Legal notice

Registered owner

This website is owned and maintained by Planet Network International, in Toulouse France.
102 rue du Lac, Immeuble les Erables, 31670 Labège, France.
N° SIRET : 48001306900020
Christian Blanchard

Reliance on information posted

All material posted on the Website is intended for information purposes. You are entitled to copy any information for your own personal use but may not otherwise copy, reproduce, republish or distribute any such information in any manner without the prior written consent of PNI.
Certain names, words, titles, phrases, logos, icons, graphics or designs appearing in the pages of this website may constitute trade names or unregistered trade marks of PNI or a third party. It is intended to be for the benefit of such trade mark owners.


SAS au capital de 500 k€ RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing
424 761 419 00011
Code APE 721Z – N° TVA : FR 22-424-761-419-00011
Siège social : 140 Quai du Sartel –
59100 Roubaix – France.
